

Lee Titus Elliott

Elliott Editorial Online

Your editor of choice since 1991sm

505 Long Leaf Drive

Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Telephone: (919) 869-7382

Fax: (888) 416-6316







Developmental editing, substantive editing, copyediting, and proofreading of fiction; literary nonfiction; general nonfiction; literary criticism; master’s theses and PhD dissertations; textbooks on law, criminal justice, political science; textbooks for teachers. Also copyediting of the bimonthly Bookmarks Magazine. Target market includes academic and university presses, trade publishers (e.g., Algonquin Books), and master’s and PhD candidates working on theses and dissertations, respectively. Other info: freelance editor since 1991; fiction writer; college/university instructor of English composition and literature, 1972–2002. In addition, I am familiar with the following:


  • The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.).
  • Words into Type (3rd ed.).
  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
  • The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed.).
  • MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd ed.).


Selected Major Experience


1992–                Self-employed (Elliott Editorial Online, Chapel Hill,

                        NC; Website:


Freelance Developmental Editor/Copy Editor/Proofreader


·         Have developmentally edited, copyedited, proofread, and fact-checked manuscripts on a freelance basis for a number of publishers—including Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, United Nations University Press (Tokyo), Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill (NC), Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Alexandria, VA), and Carolina Academic Press (Durham, NC). I have also copyedited for Bookmarks Magazine (Chapel Hill, NC, and Berkeley, CA).







1998–2001     Durham Technical Community College, Durham, NC


                        Adjunct English Instructor


·         Taught several sections of developmental English composition in which students frequently use a computer to draft, revise, and edit their compositions.

·         Taught several sections of college transfer composition: English 111.


1984–1990     North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC


Lecturer in English


·         Taught Freshman Composition.

·         Taught Technical Writing.

·         Taught Studies in Fiction.

·         Taught Creative Writing.

·         Taught American Literature Survey.




·         Reading knowledge of Latin and Greek

·         Reading and speaking knowledge of German


Professional Memberships


·         ACES: The Society for Copyediting:

·         National Association of Independent Writers and Editors:


Community (pro bono) Activities


·         Editor of the Triangle Men’s Center newsletter

·         Editor of the Mary Renault Society newsletter




1983: MFA in English and Creative Writing, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville

1970: MA in English, Hollins College (now Hollins University), Roanoke, VA

1969: BA in Latin, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


 Editing References       Note: A complete list of references can be found on my CV.


·         Dr. David Schultz, Professor; Hamline University, Graduate School of Public Administration and Management, MS-A1710; 1536 Hewitt Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104. Telephone: (651) 523-2858.  E-mail:

·         Mr. James Fishman, Professor of Law; Pace University; 78 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603. Telephone: (914) 422-4000. E-mail:

·         Mr. Jon Phillips, Editor and Publisher; Bookmarks Magazine; 1818 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, # 181, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Telephone: (919) 968-9966. E-mail: Website:

·         Dr. David McCuan, Professor; Department of Political Science; Sonoma State University; 1801 E. Cotati Avenue; Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Telephone: (707) 664-3309. E-mail:


For publications edited by me, see my website