Elliott Editorial Online


Client Satisfaction


Here are a few of the clients Elliott Editorial Online has served recently:


Publishers and Small Presses:


astonbu1  United Nations University Press, Tokyo

astonbu1  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (a subsidiary of Workman Publishing in NYC)

astonbu1  Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC

astonbu1  Winterberry Press, Asheville, NC

astonbu1  Harcourt (Adult Trade Books Division), San Diego, CA

astonbu1  Lulu.com, Raleigh, NC

astonbu1  Philips-Forrest Publishing, Chapel Hill, NC


Individual Authors:


Batke, Peter. Lexington Barbecue, A Memoir. (currently being placed by a New York agent)


Knickmeyer, Rebecca. A Serpent in the Garden, A Novel for Young Adults. (recently submitted to Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, Grand Rapids, MI) [Click here for author endorsement].


Published Manuscripts Edited, Copyedited, or Proofread by Elliott Editorial Online:


Davis-Goff, Annabel. The Fox’s Walk, A Novel. San Diego: Harcourt Trade Publishers, 2003. [Click here for managing editor endorsement].


The Fox's Walk Annabelle Davis-Goff



Keith, Michael. The Next Better Place, A Memoir. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 2003.


The Next Better Place-Book Cover



Schulz, David. Money, Politics, and Campaign Finance Reform Law in the States. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2003. [Click here for author endorsement].


Jacket from David Schultz's Book-CAP



Winner, Lauren. Girl Meets God, A Memoir. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 2003. [Click here for project editor endorsement].


Girl Meets God-Book Cover



Aryeetey, Ernest, Julius Court, Machiko Misanke, and Beatrice Weder, editors. Asia and Africa in the Global Economy. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2003.





Alter, Stephen. Elephas Maximus. San Diego: Harcourt Trade Publishers, 2004.


Elephas Maximus



Meyers, Kent. The Work of Wolves, A Novel. San Diego: Harcourt Trade Publishers, 2004.


The Work of Wolves



Detzer, David. Donnybrook. San Diego: Harcourt Trade Publishers, 2004. [Click here for managing editor endorsement].





Jansky, Libor, Masahiro  Murakami, and Nevelina I. Pachova. The Danube. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2004.





Harper, M. A. The Year of Past Things, A Novel. San Diego: Harcourt Trade Publishers, 2005.


The Year of Past Things



Pendle, George. Strange Angel. San Diego: Harcourt Trade Publishers, 2005


Strange Angel



Gallacher, Ian. A Form and Style Manual for Lawyers. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Fall 2005.





Sabiston, Jr., MD, David C. At the Heart of Medicine. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2005.





Phillips, Jon, Editor and Publisher. Bookmarks Magazine, Issues November/December 2005–Current. [Click here for editor and publisher endorsement].


Bookmarks-Nov-Dec 2006



Ross, Darrell L. Civil Liability Issues in Corrections. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Fall 2005.





McCuan, David, and Stephen Stambough. Initiative-Centered Politics: The New Politics of Direct Democracy. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Fall 2005.





Plamiotto, Michael. Policing: Concepts, Strategies, and Current Issues in American Police Forces, 2nd ed. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Fall 2005.





Penn, Everette B., Helen Taylor Greene, and Shaun Gabbidon, eds. Race and Juvenile Justice. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Fall 2005. 





Marzano, Robert J., Timothy Waters, and Brian A. McNulty. School Leadership That Works: From Research to Results Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005.





Wiggins, Grant, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005. 





Ivey, Gay, and Douglas Fisher. Creating Literacy-Rich Schools for Adolescents. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2006.





Graham, C. Barrett. North Carolina Fire Law. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2006. 





Bowling, Louis. Resistance Training: The Total Approach. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2006.





Anderson, James, and Bankole Thompson. American Criminal Procedures. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2007.





DiMatteo, Larry A., Robert A. Prentice, Blake D. Morant, and Daniel D. Barnheizer. Visions of Contract Theory: Rationality, Bargaining, and Interpretation. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2007. 





Fishman, James J. The Faithless Fiduciary and the Elusive Quest for Charitable Accountability 1200–2005, Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2007. 





Temple, Christel N. Literary Spaces: Introduction to Comparative Black Literature. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2007.





Haynes, Judy. Getting Started with English Language Learners: How Educators Can Meet the Challenge. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Fall 2007.





Hamill, Susan Pace. As Certain as Death: A Fifty State Survey of State and Local Tax Laws, Carolina Academic Press, Spring 2008.





Hope, Anthony. A Tree Full of Eyes: Stories, Reflections, Memories. Raleigh, NC: Lulu.com, 2010.





Linke, Carl E. Haint Blue, A Novel. Chapel Hill, NC: Philips-Forrest Publishing, 2010.






Dunst, Carl J., Carol M. Trivette, and Deborah W. Hornby. Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis of Studies of Family-Centered Practices. Asheville, NC: Winterberry Press, 2008. [Click here for managing editor endorsement].





Dunst, Carl J. An Ecological Framework for Assessing Infant and Toddler Development: Revised and Updated. Asheville, NC: Winterberry Press, 2008. [Click here for managing editor endorsement].




Harris, D. G. Now, A Countergenre Novel. Monrovia, CA: Dark City Press, Spring 2012. [Click here for author endorsement].


NOW (PDF kindle cover)-001


Harris, D. G. Here, A Countergenre Novel. Monrovia, CA: Dark City Press, Spring 2012.


HERE (PDF kindle cover)-001


Harris, D. G. Next, A Countergenre Novel. Monrovia, CA: Dark City Press, Spring 2012.


HERE (PDF kindle cover)-001


Kuhns, Joseph B. Drug-Impaired Driving, A Guide. Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Madison, WI, Fall 2012.




Quinet, Kenna. Missing Persons, A Guide. Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Madison, WI, Fall 2012.




Ellwood, Dr. Robert S., and Dr. Barbara A. McGraw, Many Peoples, Many Faiths: Women and Men in the World Religions, 10th Edition, A Textbook. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle, NJ, Fall 2013.



Simms-Maddox, Dr. M. J., Priscilla: Engaging in the Game of Politics, A Novel. Professional Woman Publishing, LLC (http://www.pwnbooks.com), Summer 2016. [Click here for author endorsement]



Ledlow, Dr. Gerald R., Dr. Karl B. Manrodt, and Dr. David E. Schott, Health Care Supply Chain Management: Elements, Operations, and Strategies, First Edition, A Textbook. Jones and Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, Fall 2016.